I welcome you to the Website of the Consulate General of the Republic of Uganda, Mombasa.
The Consulate General was opened in the financial year 2015/16. The main purpose of opening the Consulate was, and still remains, to take care of Uganda’s strategic interest at the port of Mombasa, the port being the main gateway for Uganda’s exports and imports. The Consulate General has jurisdiction over the six coastal counties of Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Lamu and Tana River.
The Consulate General also carries out a number of activities related to economic and commercial diplomacy. This is in line with the paradigm shift of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Uganda’s Missions abroad that focuses on the promotion of tourism, trade and investment.
In the area of tourism promotion, the Consulate General has focused a lot of creating partnerships and complementarity between the tourism products in Uganda and the Kenya Coast. This partnership and complementarity has resulted in joint promotion activities and cross selling of Uganda and the Kenya Coast by the tour operators and the travel guides.
In the area of trade promotion, the Consulate General focuses on finding markets for Uganda’s products at the Kenya Coast. So far, we have made progress in the promotion of Ugandan pineapples and leather.
The Consulate also takes care of the consular needs of Ugandans living at the Kenya Coast.
I invite all our stakeholders to make use the website to get information about the Consulate General in particular and Uganda in general.
Amb. Paul Mukumbya