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About the Embassy

What the Consulate does

A.  Emergency Certificates
These are issued to Ugandans wishing to return back to Uganda.

Situations where Emergency Certificates are issued include; 
1. Applicant having lost original Travel Document which she/he travelled on to come to 
2. Travel Document held by applicant having expired.
3. Applicant born in Kenya (infant/child) staying in Kenya and adult also staying in Kenya 
   and never travelled to Uganda since birth.
4. Returning Ugandan who may have left Uganda as a Refugee or freed from a detention 
5. Ugandan who has applied for a visa and submitted his/her passport at an Embassy and 
   wishes to return home before the visa is issued.
6. Ugandan living and working with a Kenyan Institution or Company, International
   Organization, NGO in Kenya who submitted his/her passport at the Immigration 
   Department for Kenyan Re- Entry Pass and wishes to travel to Uganda before a Pass is 

1. Application Form to be filled.
2. Original Birth Certificate in case of an infant.
3. Copies of passports for the parents of the infant.
4. For one who has lost his/her Travel Document to attach a police report on the loss.
5. Two passport size photographs
6. In case of returning Ugandan, official documentation from the relevant authorities.
7. A fee is charged for the Emergency Certificate.

B. Travel Documents Renewed
1. Temporary Movement Permit (TMP).
2. Certificate of Identity (C.I).
3. Passports which have expired are not renewable. Applicant has to apply for a Passport at 
   the Passport Control Office in Kampala.
4. Ugandans living and working in Kenya may be issued with a letter of recommendation to 
   facilitate the application.


A) Education Documents
This applies to Ugandan Citizens and Non Ugandan Citizens who studied in Uganda and wish to certify their documents.

1. Identification - Passport/National ID/any other Identification Document
2. A certified copy of the document from institution of issuance. 
3. Fee for the certification process.

B) Marriage Certificates
1. Identification - Passport/National ID/any other Identification Document.
2. A copy of the marriage certificate/license.
3. Fee for the certification process.

1. Registration of Ugandans in the diaspora
2. Facilitation of trade related issues.
3. Consular visits i.e. to prisons, remand homes etc.
